Meet Comic Strip Author Andy Chang!

Come visit Northwood Meadows and it’s characters, created by author Andy Chang!

1. What inspired you to write Northwood Meadows Lifestyle ?

 I created Northwood Meadows to be a medium that can relay grown-up issues to younger audience. Using comic art to express various situations in the complex ideas and social ideology in a humorous way (such as finances/ technology/ myths, etc) and to open up for further discussions.

2. Who would you say is your target audience?

 It’s for all ages – it’s suitable for everyone with knowledge of the pop culture of our times.

3. Tell me about your characters, Phil, Ana, Ally, Ted and Bob. If you could pin down a single main character,  which would it be and why?

 Phil is the character that I pin down as a key member – as he’s intuitive and finds everything intriguing/ but his curiosity gets the best of him all the time.

 4. Will we see more of these characters in future books?

Yes – Northwood Meadows (2)- Moments (release date of May 7, 2024) // see link below:

PREORDER – Northwood Meadows: Moments

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